Faridpur Palli Bidyut Samity looking for 45 manpower for the post of Meter Reader Cum-Messenger. They will appoint Meter Reader for 1 Year Contract Service. If you are interested in PBSFAR Job Circular 2024 then complete your online application within 25 May to 15 June 2024. Palli Bidyut Samity Faridpur Job Circular application process is online based. Only 112 Taka entry fee which is not refundable.
PBSFAR Job Circular 2024
SSC Pass candidates is eligible for this job. Faridpur Palli Bidyut Samity PBSFAR is a temporary job. Day by day government job demand is increasing. At present Meter Reader is an attractive job in Bangladesh. So everybody who want to work hassle free for them my suggestion is Meter Reader job.
Some experience requirement is needed to get Palli Bidyut Samity Faridpur Job. For example candidate must be honest, trustworthy, good character, good personality, beautiful and fit body. Must have the mentality to go to the remote areas of villages and take readings and distribute bills. On the other hand customer should be informed about Palli Bidyut Samity objectives and programs. In addition must be proficient in bicycling. In this case, you must have your own bicycle. Must be able to deposit 10 thousand rupees in Faridpur Palli Bidyut Samity cash branch as security deposit.
Faridpur Palli Bidyut Samity Meter Reader Cum Messenger Job Circular
Are you finding Palli Bidyut Job then we suggest Faridpur Palli Bidyut Samity Job Circular. A good salary provide Palli Bidyut Samity for the post of Meter Reader Cum- Messenger. In addition other benefit has added.
pbsfar.teletalk.com.bd Job Circular 2024
- Visit pbsfar.teletalk.com.bd web link.
- Click Application Form.
- Select Meter Reader Cum- Messenger (1 Year Contract Service post.
- Fill up full application form.
- Upload Photo & Signature.
- Revise application form at a glance.
- Finally submit your application. In addition download applicant copy.
- At last payment within 72 hours. Otherwise you can not download PBSFAR Admit Card.
[junkie-button url=”http://pbsfar.teletalk.com.bd/posts.php” style=”purple” size=”large” type=”square” target=”_blank”] Application Form (Click here to Apply Online) [/junkie-button]
pbs.faridpur.gov.bd Job Circular
Palli Bidyut Samity Job Circular Faridpur payment method is here.
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Those completed Faridpur Palli Bidyut Samity Job Circular online application, eagerly wait for PBSFAR Admit Card & Exam Date.