Al-Haiatul Ulya Lil-Jamiatil Qawmia Bangladesh decided to publish Dawraye Hadith Masters examination Result. The approximate release date of Al-Haiatul Ulya Result 2024 was 11 July, 2024. Many students who participated in Al-Hayatul Ulya Lily Jamiatil Qawmia Bangladesh’s Takmil exam are eagerly waiting for the Takmil result. Hopefully, their turn is about to end. According to the Daora of Qawmi Madrasa notice, the much desired Dawraye Hadith Masters Result is going to be published this month. So in today’s post, I will discuss in detail how you will see Qawmi Madrasa Al Hayatul Result 2024. So let’s get started without delay.
Al-Haiatul Ulya Result Publish Date
Recently Hadith Daura examination is over. Thousands of students participated in this test and successfully completed their test. Which was running from April 03 to 08. The Al-Haiatul Ulya test was conducted simultaneously at a total of 222 centers across the country. In two education boards, students were tested on a total of 13 subjects on the same question paper. All students successfully completed the Takmil test. The Qawmi Madrasa Education Institute of Bangladesh usually publishes the Takmil Result within two months of the completion of the examination. Due to the lockdown of the tax virus this year, it has been too late to send the books to the Mumtahins to view the test books, as a result of which Al-Haiatul Ulya failed to publish the final result in time. However, the results are expected to be announced in the first week of July. Final Result
Hope all the students are very excited to see Al Haiatul Ulya Result. The results will be released on July 17, 2024, as announced by the Qawmi Madrsa Education Boards. Results must be viewed via the Internet on the day of publication. Because the result will be published on Hopefully, most students know the exact rule of looking at results. On the other hand, for all the students who are new to this subject, we have introduced the rules of viewing Al Haiatul Ulya Result 2024 on our website. So follow our instructions and check our results.
- First of all, you need to visit the official website of Al-Haiatul Ulya Lil-Jamiatil Qawmia. It is
- Then wait a short time for loading the page.
- Now click on the result option from the right in the menu bar.
- Finally, select your desire result and download the PDF file.
- Open the Takmil Result sheet using adobe reader.
- Search Al-Haiatul Ulya Result through roll number.
- If you find your result then congratulation from us.
- At last, if you need the result copy then you can print out it.
[junkie-button url=”” style=”blue” size=”large” type=”round” target=”_blank”] Takmil Result PDF Download [/junkie-button]
Download the result of Hadith in Daora
- [junkie-button url=”” style=”green” size=”large” type=”round” target=”_blank”] Al Haiatul Ulya Result 2024 [/junkie-button]
- [junkie-button url=”” style=”red” size=”large” type=”square” target=”_blank”] Al Haiatul Ulya Result Merit List (Male) [/junkie-button]
- [junkie-button url=”” style=”purple” size=”large” type=”square” target=”_blank”] Al Haiatul Uliya Result Merit List (Female) [/junkie-button]
- [junkie-button url=”” style=”green” size=”large” type=”square” target=”_blank”] Al Haiatul Ulya Nojre Sani Result [/junkie-button]
Al Haiatul Uliya Exam Result 2024 Through SMS
Many times students have a hard time seeing the results due to server jams. So Qawmi Madrasa has introduced an alternative method of viewing results which is the mobile SMS method. You can search the result via SMS from your mobile. So without wasting time, check Al Haiatul Uliya Exam Result 2024 by following the rules given below. In this case, only you can know CGPAT. If you want to see the complete result, you have to go to the website through the internet and see the result.
First SMS: HTR <space> Roll Number <space> and send to 9933
Example: HTR 567234
Finally, your result in show in front of you. By the way, charges will be applicable for each SMS.
Takmil Result 2024 Marksheet
The day of the result will work joy in the minds of the students. Because after waiting for a long time, they are getting results. A total of 22,000 students will look for the result at once. Many students try to download their Takmil Result 2024 Marksheet just by knowing their CGPA. So do you know how to download mark sheet? Then let’s present the complete method to download Al-Haiatul Ulya Result Marksheet. You can easily download your result by following this procedure.
Last Thoughts
In the end all the students are quite happy to get the result. Those who have not yet collected the result, hurry up and collect the result as soon as possible. If anyone has a problem getting results by following the rules given to us, you can let us know and we will work to solve your problem as soon as possible. Thank you so much for finally staying with us. You will get more results like this in the future, so visit our webpage regularly.
haiyatu uliya result 2024