Architecture Exam Result 2024 is ready for download. Recently the Department of Architecture Written Result is published on the official webpage of The Architecture job Exam was held on 23 October 2024. Where MCQ examination of 100 Marks is held in contrast to different positions. Candidates for all the posts successfully participate in the examination and complete the examination.
Hopefully, the examiner are eagerly waiting for the Architecture Result. So don’t delay, check the position against which you participated in the written test. If you pass a good test then you will be selected. Otherwise you will not see your name in Architecture Preliminary Test Result.
Architecture Exam Result 2024
The Architecture job test was postponed due to tax situation. Architecture authority then changed the test date several times. In the end, as the Covid-19 situation was somewhat normal, the Architecture Career Examination was confirmed through SMS to all the candidates following the hygiene rules. On the other hand, everyone is asked to wear a mask and participate in the written test.
Exam notice, seat plan and Admit Card are posted on the official page of For the convenience of the candidates, we provide all the important information including Architecture job exam suggestion. Eventually everyone took part in the test and took advantage of the opportunity. On the other hand, by publishing Architecture Job Result, some unemployment is eliminated in Bangladesh.
Shorthand Typist-cum-Computer Operator and Office Assistant-cum-Computer Typist Result
Sthapotto Odhidoptor Final Result
Department of Architecture Written Result
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- Visit the official website of Department of Architecture.
- Within short time Department of Architecture webpage show in front of you.
- Click on the notice board.
- Architecture Result Sheet is available in the notice board. Click on it for download Architecture Exam Result.
- Open the file and search through roll number.
- If you have passed then you roll number see in the list.
Architecture Result Download PDF
Ending Message
Finally, we have come to the last stage in this article. In contrast to the limited number of Architecture Job Circular, the applicant participates in the written test in Dhaka simultaneously. But it Is Matter of Sorrow That Only Highest Number Candidates are finally selected. Even, their Architecture will be called for Viva Exam. On the other hand, those who will do well in Viva examinations will be provided. So of course your preparation will be better than other candidates. Otherwise you will be declared as an adventurous. Thanks to the Architecture Job update information stay with us.