NBC Admit Card

NBC Admit Card 2024- Jatiya Grantha Kendro Admit Card & Exam Date

Are you ready to take the Jatiya Grantha Kendro job test? Then your first task is to download NBC Admit Card 2022. In addition, visit Jatiya Grantha Kendro exam notice at nbc.org.bd website. Where you will find all the information related to NBC exam, such as date, seat plan, venue, exam type, question pattern, etc. So this is definitely good news. To get NBC Final Recruitment Letter you need to pass Preliminary, Written, viva exam. The funny thing is that in each case you have to show Jatiya Grantha Kendro Admit Card. Then it is understood that NBC job admit card is very important.

Jatiya Grantha Kendro Exam Date & Admit Card

If held on 17 December 2022, the biggest job test of the country is going on. The Jatiya Grantha Kendro job test organize by BUET will be held at different places in Dhaka. All applicants have inform about the NBC exam. In order to participate in the Jatiya Grantha Kendro exam, the candidates have to follow a number of rules. It is mandatory to wear a mask. Social distance must be adhere to. Seats should be taken in compliance with hygiene rules. Candidates will not be given any TA / DA for participating in the examination. Everyone is requeste to be present 15 minutes before the scheduled time.

www.nbc.org.bd Admit Card & Seat Plan


nbc.teletalk.com.bd Admit Card Download


  • NBC Admit Card Download by visiting Jatiya Grantha Kendro (NBC) Official Teletalk Website nbc.teletalk.com.bd.
  • Enter the User ID and Password found in the Mobile Message inbox.
  • Submit your application. Within short time Jatiya Grantha Kendro Job Admit is ready for download.
  • Download NBC Admit. Print out it on the specific page.
  • Bring the Jatiya Grantha Kendro Admit in the nbc exam center.

[junkie-button url=”http://nbc.teletalk.com.bd/admitcard/index.php” style=”blue” size=”large” type=”round” target=”_blank”] Admit Card Download Link [/junkie-button]

জাতীয় গ্রন্থকেন্দ্র প্রবেশ পত্র

Hopefully Jatiya Grantha Kendro job exam will be complete smoothly. At the end of the test, the main demand of the candidates is to get the results. For which the examinees are eagerly waiting. Basically the NBC Result will be release within a few hours of the completion of the written test, said Jatiya Grantha Kendro authority. So wait patiently. Jatiya Grantha Kendro The results will be available on our webpage along with the official website. Stay with us on all job update information page. Thanks for staying with me.

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