NESCO Job Circular

NESCO Job Circular 2024 – Northern Electricity Supply Company Job Circular Apply

NESCO Job Circular online application process is going on. Northern Electricity Supply Company Limited Bangladesh has published a job circular on their official website and daily newspaper. Where Executive Director (Engineering), Executive Director (Operation) post is available here. There is 02 post at 02 categories on the NESCO job. There have several posts in this job.

Nesco Career

According to the NESCO Adverstiment during the online application period from 05 November2024 at 12.00 A.M. to 30 November 2024 2024 at 5.00 P.M. Nesco job location at anywhere in Bangladesh. It is a diamond chance for Bangladeshi job seekers. In this article, we are going to discuss the application method. In addition, all highlights info about NESCO job. So stay with us.

Read More: NESCO Admit Card

Nesco Job Circular PDF

By the way, In this post, I shared all necessary information about Northern Electricity Supply Company Limited Job Circular 2024. Here you can know about how to apply, how to payment, the application fee, NESCO application date and time, NESCO vacancy, Northern Electricity Supply Company Limited job category, photo size, signature size, job location, age limitation, district wise application list. the official website name, application website, etc. Finally, I discuss NESCO job preparation. So let’s go to see. In conclusion, in the short note below the application list.

See Also: NESCO Question Solution

Northern Electricity Supply Job Circular 2024


নেসকো নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি
nesco-Page-3 Apply Online


  1. Firstly, Go their official website
  2. Select your suitable post
  3. Carefully fill up the application form
  4. Upload photo (Photo size 300px x 300px) and Signature (signature size 300px x 80px)
  5. One should remember that input your own mobile number and check again and again before clicking the submit button.
  6. Finally, check all information then click Submit
  7. In addition to print your applicant copy
  8. By the way, complete your payment

[junkie-button url=”” style=”blue” size=”large” type=”round” target=”_blank”] NESCO Apply Online [/junkie-button]

NESCO job Circular PDF

Northern Electricity Supply Company Limited is one of the most searchable topics on google. Bangladeshi unemployed people are eagerly waiting for NESCO Job Circular. Because of a large number facility in this job. Interested candidates shall have to apply through the online application form wherein a scanned photograph and signature of the candidates have to be inserted into due place.

Similar Article: NESCO Result

Payment Method

SMS: NESCO<space>User ID Send  16222

Example: NESCO send to 16222

Reply: Applicant’s Name, Tk-1000/500 will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is (8digit numbers). To pay fee, type NESCO<space>Yes<space>PIN and send to 16222.

SMS: NESCO<space>Yes<space>PIN Send 1622

Example: NESCO (8 digit numbers) send to 16222

Reply Congratulations! Applicant’s Name, payment completed successfully for examination fee. User ID is (xxxxxxxx) and Password (xxxxxxxx).

Terms & Conditions

  • 1. Age limit as of 15/07/2024 is maximum of 30 (thirty) years. In case of departmental candidates having required qualifications age may be relaxed as per the Service Rules of the Company.
  • 2. Candidates passed in the grading system must possess at least a CGPA of 3.00 on a scale of 5.00 and a CGPA of 2.50 on a scale of 4.00 and passed in the conventional system (class/division) must possess at least 2nd class/division. No third Division/Class or equivalent at any stage of the academic career shall be acceptable.
  • 3. Must demonstrate strong participatory leadership ability.
  • 4. Must have strong communication skills in Bengali & English (written & oral) including computer literacy.
  • 5. Incorrect/incomplete applications and applications received after the deadline will not be entertained and liable for rejection at any stage of the recruitment process.
  • 6. Persuasion of any kind will automatically disqualify the candidature.
  • 7. The appointing authority reserves the rights to accept or reject any application or the entire recruitment process and increase or decrease the number of posts/positions as deemed appropriate. No explanation for such action will be provided
  • 8. No TA/DA will be provided to the applicants for appearing in the examination.
  • 9. Candidates currently serving in Govt./Semi-Govt./Autonomous/Semi-Autonomous/Power Utility organizations must have to apply through proper channels.
  • 10. Candidates can apply for only one post at a time.
  • 11. The Examination schedule will be published later on considering the Covid-19 situation.

www nesco teletalk com bd Job Circular

The government has given top priority to power sector development and is committed to providing access to electricity to all citizens across the country by 2024. In order to achieve this goal, the Government has undertaken a number of reform measures. As a part of this Reform Programs by way of bundling the Power Sector and increasing efficiency by ensuring accountability and better services in the field of Generation, Transmission, and Distribution through reduction of distribution system loss and strengthening the financial position, North West Zone Power Distribution Co. Ltd. was constituted as an electricity distribution company in August 2005 under the Companies Act, 1994 as a Public Limited Company. (NESCO wiki)

The Manpower of the Distribution, North West Zone (Rajshahi Division and Rangpur Division comprising of 16 districts and 47 upazilla excluding REB area) of erstwhile Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) was put under ‘Lien’ being the employees of NWZPDCL on October 01, 2016. NWZPDCL signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Provisional Power Sales & Purchase Agreement (PSPA) with BPDB on August 01, 2016. After signing the Agreements, the operational activities of NWZPDCL commenced on October 01, 2016, by taking over the distribution system of the then Distribution, North West Zone Zone of BPDB. NWZPDCL commenced its functioning in October, 2016 independently.

www nesco gov bd Job Notice

Sl No Name of Post Vacancy
01 Assistant Engineer (Engineering) (Electrical) 12
02 Assistant Engineer (Engineering) (Civil) 2
03 Assistant Manager (HR/Admin) 2
04 Assistant Manager (Finance/Accounts) 3
05 Assistant Manager (ICT) 10
06 Sub-Assistant Engineer(Engineering) (Electrical) 14
07 Sub-Assistant Engineer(Engineering) (Civil) 4
08 Junior Assistant Manager (ICT) (Customer Service, Smart Metering) 26
09 Junior Assistant Manager (ICT) (Customer Service, Q&M) 20
10 Junior Assistant Manager (Finance/Accounts) 9

নর্দান ইলেকট্রিসিটি সাপ্লাই কোম্পানি নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি

However, I want to say that if you are interested then apply. Do not waste your money on an application if you are not prepared. Love my website and bookmark it. In conclusion, Thank you for everything. is a website where you would get all kinds of Exam Results, Exam Routines, Exam suggestions, Educational information, and all-new bangle SMS. We always provide a quality posts for the students. I think Students will benefit from it. We also publish all job results. So keep your eye on our website and stay with us.

7 thoughts on “NESCO Job Circular 2024 – Northern Electricity Supply Company Job Circular Apply”

  1. Swarnali Sarker

    I apply on 18/07/21 and pay 1500 tk. But I have not any massage of confirmation. Please solve my problem.

  2. I registered on 27/08/21. But i Don’t get activation yet.that’s why i can’t log in please help me out this problem.

  3. Md.Rafikul Islam

    Like you, same is my problem. Yesterday, i got apply but having no cinfirmation text instead of paying 1000/.

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