Recently Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council has published Diploma Nursing & Midwifery Admission Circular 2025 on their official website It is helpful who are eagerly waiting for Admission notice of BSc in Nursing (Post Basic/Public Health Post Basic), BSc in Midwifery(Post Basic) 2021-222 academic year. Currently Nursing is a honorable profession.
Diploma Nursing & Midwifery Admission Circular 2025

Bachelor of Science in Basic Nursing

Basic Public Health Nursing

Basic Midwifery Course Admission Conditions Apply Online Application

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BSc in Nursing (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) Course College Name & Number of Seats
Code No |
Name of the Government Nursing Colleges |
Number of Seats |
101 |
Dhaka Nursing College, Dhaka |
100 |
102 |
Rajshahi Nursing College, Rajshahi |
100 |
103 |
Chittagong Nursing College, Chittagong |
100 |
104 |
Mymensingh Nursing College, Mymensingh |
100 |
105 |
Rangpur Nursing College, Rangpur |
100 |
106 |
Sylhet Nursing College, Sylhet |
100 |
107 |
Barisal Nursing College, Barisal |
100 |
108 |
Dinajpur Nursing College, Dinajpur |
100 |
109 |
College of Nursing, Shere Banglanogor, Dhaka |
100 |
110 |
Manikgonj Nursing College Manikgonj |
100 |
111 |
Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Nursing College, Gazipur |
100 |
112 |
Lalmonirhat Nursing College, Lalmonirhat |
50 |
113 |
Bandarban Nursing College, Bandarban |
50 |
Diploma in Nursing Science & Midwifery Institute Name & Seat Number
Code |
Name of the Govt: Nursing Institutes |
Seat Number |
201 |
Nursing Institute, Mitford, Dhaka |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 |
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Diploma in Midwifery Institute Name & Seat Number
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
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Nursing & Midwifery Exam Center
Name of Exam Centers |
Code Number |
Dhaka |
01 |
Chattagram |
02 |
Rajshahi |
03 |
Khulna |
04 |
Sylhet |
05 |
Barishal |
06 |
Rangpur |
07 |
Mymensingh |
08 |
Gazipur |
09 |
Tangail |
10 |
Faridpur |
11 |
Comilla |
12 |
Noakhali |
13 |
Jashore |
14 |
Bogura |
15 |
Dinajpur |
16 |
Patuakhali |
17 |
Habigonj |
18 |
Rangmati |
19 |
Last Words
Sir can i apply this circular. My qualification is SSC(4.06) & HSC (4.25). My birth date24-09-2004.
Sir can I apply this circular??My Qualification SSC(4.32)form Technical..And HSC(3.93).My birth date 31-07-2000